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Jay M. Wehmeier Estate and Probate

Dealing with the administration of an estate can be emotionally difficult. When heirs disagree over the interpretation of estate documents, or when those estate documents are ambiguous, poor family communication exists, or the misappropriation of property results in litigation, minor family conflicts can result in emotionally charged estate litigation. At Jay M Wehmeier in Indianapolis, Indiana, we provide comprehensive representation in matters related to estate planning, estate administration and probate. Jay is dedicated to working with clients to develop estate plans that transfer the greatest percentage of available assets with the lowest tax and administrative costs. A comprehensive estate plan involves more than asset protection, designating an estate administrator, and passing property to heirs. We can prepare a wide range of client-specific documents when developing estate and probate plans such as:

    • Will contests/ Fraud

    • Inheritance disputes

    • Creditors' claims

    • Fiduciary misconduct claims

    • Violations of fiduciary duty

    • Simple wills, complex wills

    • Trusts

    • Powers of attorney

    • Living wills

    • Advance health care directives

    • Health care proxies